Supper-bil og Supper-host! Ga oss oss en minnerik opplevelse med bilen! Veldig hjelpsom
Ein veldig god opplevelse, flink sjåfør som køyrte ein ekstra runde med oss i Bergen sentrum fordi vi var forran skjema etter fotograferinga.
Tore Østlie og hans Borgward Isabella TS var det perfekte følget for vår bryllupsferd fra Fet Kirke til beliggenhet for bryllupsfoto.
Kjempe flott bil og veldig god service av sjåføren, en fin opplevelse ♥️
Flott opplevelse som både jubilant og resten av følge koste seg med.
Helt topp!
En veldig enkel måte å bestille kjøretøy på, og en veldig god service.
Bilen vi egentlig skulle ha streiket på veien tidligere samme dag, men Martin hadde en god nummer to han kunne tilby som erstatning – tilfeldigvis også andreønsket mitt! Alt i alt en veldig bra opplevelse.
Ordentlig flott bil og veldig hyggelig sjåfør og utleier! Bilen var flott dekorert og vi var veldig fornøyd!
Helle er en super vert og sjåfør. Gjorde alt det lille ekstra for at dette ble en fin opplevelse🙏😊
Alt var fantastisk. Vi er så fornøyd med både sjåfør, service og bil. Dessverre for oss så kom det uforutsette ting innad, som gjorde at planene våre måtte endres, men dette tok sjåføren veldig positivt selv om han ikke hadde trengt å ta hensyn til oss på dette. Det satt vi ekstremt stor pris på.
Super fin bil og kjempe hyggelig sjåfør
Utrolig hyggelig bussjåfør!! Veldig bra
Utrolig hyggelig opplevelse! Rent, pent og ryddig kjøretøy!
Excellent service and attention!!!
Hjelpfull, veldig fornøyd
Very easy to book!!!
Veldig behagelig og flott bil! Stødig og trivelig sjåfør! Anbefales på det sterkeste :)
Oda var bare helt fantastisk. Booket bilen hennes i bryllupet vårt, og kunne ikke vært mer fornøyd. Enkel å ha med å gjøre og alt gikk akkurat som det var planlagt. I tillegg en utrolig fin bil! Kan anbefales på det sterkeste å booke henne🤩
Fin bil, hyggelig eier som svaret raskt på alle spørsmål og stillet opp på kort varsel👌👌
Utrolig bra service og tusen takk for en så kjekk opplevelse
For å få fem hos meg måtte eg visst før eg trykte bestill kva selskap som faktisk stod bak tilbudet om leige av brudebil.Dette fekk vi ikkje opplyst før bestillinga var akseptert og verksemda tok kontakt med oss.
Booking fungerte veldig bra, selv om det kunne vært litt tydeligere info på bilsidene og hva registrering av et andreønske innebærer.
Veldig hyggelig sjåfør. Sjarmerende og flink til å kjøre. Vi følte oss trygge. Anbefales!
Lett å bruke og booke bil. God oppfølging og kommunikasjon.
Fantastisk, anbefales sterkt 👍
Kjempe bra bil og veeeeeldig god service qv sjåfør og eier
Utrolig pen og velholdt bil. Tore var kjempehyggelig og behjelpelig gjennom hele prosessen og det ble en super opplevelse.
Bilen var veldig fin! Det var enkelt å kommunisere med eieren og sjåføren var hyggelig.
Engasjert og hyggelig sjåfør. Flott kjøretøy og herlig opplevelse. Anbefales😊
Jeg gir 5+
Enkelt å greit
Sjåføren kom punktlig og var superhyggelig!! Og for en bil! Helt perfekt for en Steampunk brud !
Kommunikasjonen med sjåføren både før og på selve dagen var lett. Veldig hyggelig sjåfør, som hjalp oss til og med under bryllups fotografering
Meget hyggelig sjåfør og flott bil, som gjorde dagen vår komplett!
Veldig ryddig, enkel å finne frem, og smart løsning med å få anbefalt en reserve i tilfelle førstevalget ikke var tilgjengelig :)
Kul bil!! Vi var veldig fornøyd med denne bilen som vi bruke i bryllupet vårt. God og ryddig kommunikasjon med bileier underveis.
Fantastisk fin bil, hyggelig sjåfør og rett og slett en fryd å få kjøre denne herlige bilen på vårt bryllup.
Flott opplevelse som både jubilant og resten av følge koste seg med.
Kjøretøyet var utrolig stilig, og sjåfører utrolig koselig med en veldig god service. Vi kunne virkelig ikke vært mer fornøyd!
Vi booket denne bilen til vårt bryllup i 2023. Bilen er helt fabelaktig, og eieren Thomas er veldig i møtekommende med ønsker. Anbefales absolutt
Alfred var veldig hyggelig og tålmodig. Bilen var veldig fin både innvendig og utvendig
Enkel side. Lett å booke og raskt svar. Oversiktlig landsoversikt.
Ingenting å utsette.
Vidar var den beste sjåføren vi kunne ønsket oss!
Enkelt og grei plattform for å finne det man trenger av bil. Veldig rask bekreftelse etter booking av bil
Helt fantastisk service
Profesjonell og hjelpsom sjåfør. Flott bil, pyntet og klargjort for anledningen. Var med å gjøre opplevelsen ekstra minnerik.
Ryddig plattform! Tydelig informasjon.
Hyggelig og punktlig sjåfør! Bilen var lekker, stillegående og myk å kjøre ! Sjåføren var fleksibel og tilpasningsdyktig !
Veldig ryddig
Veldig enkelt og profesjonelt
Litt kronglete å ikje kunne kontakte bileier direkte.
En nydelig bil, med en veldig hyggelig og hjelpsom sjåfør. Anbefales aboslutt!
Sjåfør var helt i rute og det hele fremstod veldig profesjonelt. Veldig kjekk bil å bli kjørt i. Tusen takk.
God kommunikasjon og godt fornøyd med bilen!
Kjempeflott bil, og en fantastisk sjåfør! Anbefales på det sterkeste!
5 stars
Helt perfekt. Vi kom ut av kirka og der stod bilen klar til oss. Sjåføren var veldig flink til å holde seg anonym samtidig som han fulgte med. Veldig god kommunikasjon.
Veldig fornøyd med hele opplevelsen. Sjåføren var veldig profesjonell, og leverte over forventning.
En helt fantastisk bil og en helt fantastisk opplevelse og service . Kan varmt anbefales videre
Svært hyggelige mennesker å forholde seg til, og sammen med den nydelige bilen Elisabeth bidro de til å gjøre dagen eventyrlig❤️
Oversiktlig og ryddig.
Fint at de hadde vannflasker i bagasjerommet til oss begge siden det ble en varm solrik dag.
Frode var helt super! Hyggelig sjåfør og kjempestilig bil. Får mye positiv oppmerksomhet gjennom Bergens gater!!
Heilt fantastisk! Livar levere virkelig her og gjør dagen vår heilt magiske.
Veldig fin bil og svært hyggelig sjåfør. Oppmøte i god tid og en svært hyggelig opplevelse denne dagen.
Bilen var helt rå! Kommunikasjon i forkant var helt super og eier tok virkelig hensyn til våre ønsker. Sjåføren var meget hyggelig og profesjonell! Vi er strålende fornøyd!
Serviceinnstilte, hjelpsomme og et pålitelig selskap :) Anbefales virkelig!
Det var en fantastisk bil og fortreffelig service. Kan virkelig anbefales!
Veldig bra opplevelse, og hyggelig sjåfør
Topp service. Har litt å gå på ved bruk på mobil, men det er småplukk. Det funker og en topp tjeneste.
Veldig flott og godt vedlikeholdt bil. Kjempetrivelig sjåfør som har mye erfaring med bryllupsoppdrag og fremstår gjennomført profesjonell.
Helt fantastisk dag og utrolig fleksibel og greit sjåfør. Tusen takk for fantastisk service.
God og nøyaktig kommunikasjon. Var på plass i god tid for å hente bruden. Vi er veldig fornøyd med både bil og sjåfør :)
Superfornøyd. Kjempefin bil og fantastisk sjåfør.
Ga en følelse av trygghet. Litt kronglete å finne ut av.
Dette var en magisk opplevelse i anledning bryllup. Sjåføren kom i god tid, var hyggelig, hjelpsom og pålitelig. Bilen var ren og pen og det var alt i alt helt fantastisk herlig!!!! Anbefales på det varmeste :)
Veldig fornøyd med valget av denne. Det var en fantastisk bil, super service og gå oss en kjempe opplevelse. Anbefales på det sterkeste.
Great service, easy to use. Will definitely use again for future shoots
Everything went great, car worked out perfect. Thank you!
Very punctual and the car was as shown on the pictures. I will recommend renting this car anytime!
Easy to use and saved our wedding stress!!
Easy and quick to navigate and use.
Super easy to book, and the email reminders etc were great!would 100% recommend!
This rental was for our wedding. Tony arrived early and was extremely personable. He provided excellent service and always went the extra mile. We took a bunch a pictures in his classic and he even let wedding guest take pictures in the car. This rental was a phenomenal experience.
Excellent Very easy to use and constant updates with emails
Dana was very easy to work with. The truck was fabulous and all went smoothly. Definitely recommended!
A beautiful car and well worth the money. My son was over the moon with going in the car to his prom. Would recommend this car to anyone. The owner communicated really well and spent time talking to my sons about the car.
Very easy to book and excellent service being kept informed of booking, will definitely use again.
Bob was great! On time and very friendly! The car was beautiful, too :)
Richard was amazing and the car is wonderful. He was excellent to communicate with, punctual and courteous. The car is absolutely stunning and immaculate.
Mark was absolutely super to work with, and couldn't have been more helpful. He made my daughter's prom, which was a special day that extra bit special. The car was beautiful, and my daughter, her friends and we have some wonderful memories to treasure. Thank you again Mark
This Continental is a fantastic car and Alla was very easy and fast to communicate with. A bunch of people shouted compliments for the car, great experience!
Excellent provider!
Great service and a really down to earth and understanding person. Highly recommend!
Thank you again
Katherine was lovely to deal with - very helpful! And her car was perfect for our film shoot - it was in excellent condition.
Thomas was awesome to work with! His car was a lot of fun to use, and was in really good shape. I would highly recommend for photo/video shoots!
Miguel was early and friendly and a delight to deal with. The car and the service were fabulous
Couldn't have worked out better!
Took several attempts to book a vehicle as several were listed as available, payment was taken, and then the owners rejected the booking requests. Very frustrating. Also confusion on the day as the driver waited at the venue, expecting to chauffeur the guests for the return leg, which was not the official arrangement . A miscommunication there. All this said, I did receive help on the telephone from a member of staff who was very gracious and professional. Unfortunately I forget her name, but she had a continental European accent. Many thanks to her. Dr. J. Macmillen
I had an excellent experience renting the International Scout from Chris! The vehicle was everything I hoped it would be and Chris was so helpful. He even arrived ahead of time and was willing to move the vehicle wherever we needed it. Highly recommend!
The car was amazing and the owner Joe was wonderful! We will definitely book again!
I was so glad to find Vinty. The booking process was effortless.
Andrew was very gracious, friendly, accommodating and professional, even despite the very early call time. Thanks Andrew!
James was excellent. Remained flexible regarding the weather and was so friendly and responsive!! Highly recommend!
Robert was very accommodating and a joy to work with!! He loves his antique classics.
Our experience was just the best. Nic arrived nice and early. He made the day great as he made us feel very special! The car was exactly what I thought it would be - awesome!!!! Would highly recommend Nic and his Hummer
Easy too book. No problems.
Reilly was incredible! The car was exactly how it was described, on time, and reliable. We couldn't have asked for a better experience with this vehicle and with Reilly. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
The Car was incredible, we used the car in a photo shoot for our wedding and it honestly made the pics! You cannot go wrong with this classic beauty. The owner of the vehicle Henry was great to work with and very accommodating. He made the drop off and return process seamless and as easy as pie. thank you Henry! We'll be booking again from you!
absolutely amazing!!!
What a superb experience. David set the tone for my daughter's wedding and got the day off to a perfect start. David's kindness brought us to tears and his attention to detail and professionalism were spot on. Matilda was superb and looked great with her ribbons and flowers - what a splendid car. We got son many admiring looks. David looked the part in his chauffer's uniform. David was so thoughtful and I am extremely grateful that this made it a very special event for my daughter. Cheers David.
Dean was absolutely amazing from start to finish, arrived on time and gave our daughter the amazing prom night she deserved. Will definitely book again for my other children when they hit prom age. If I could of given more stars I would of. Thank you Dean for the amazing and stress free experience. Nicola, Gary and of course leoni.
So great!! The car is amazing
This was my first experience ever with Vinty and Chuck made it absolutely seamless and wonderful! He was so easy to communicate with and very organized and laid back! Overall such a nice person and happy to have met him! The car was superb and we had an awesome time driving it around for my birthday! Thanks so much Chuck!!
Sometimes an experience is so unique, so excellent, that one fails to convey the message fully, but here goes: Liezel was outstanding at communicating with us. We were not quite ready when she arrived punctually but her natural equanimity came to the fore and she reassured us that everything was fine - and then she encountered the worst traffic snarl in this town! But, when she had dropped her charges off, she informed us that they were safe and that everybody was happy. Recommended? No! HIGHLY recommended!
He was them best! And the mustang was so cool. Would absolutely book again if I ever have an event that could use a classic car
The vehicle was perfect - exactly like in the pictures. Merisel and Francesco were so accommodating of some of our unique requirements. They made the whole experience amazing. Thank you!!!
Great car, Michal was straightforward and helpful. I would love to rent through Michal again if the occasion calls for it!
Helen and Criss were excellent, they helped me with all the details of the car, and were very hospitable. Their car is fantastic and I loved driving it and my daughters loved arriving at Prom in it. Lots of people kept asking them "was it you arriving in the police car!". I would highly recommend.
Matt's Sunbeam was a hit and looked amazing on set! Hoping to work with him again soon!
Great rental, fast transaction, and wonderful old car. Will do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks
Absolutely wonderful he was so warm and welcoming to all our whanau and tamriki. Especially my mum she said which was a lovely riddle great conversation and well dressed. Thank you for making my mums 70th birthday memorable Vince 😊
Garry was incredibly nice and easy to work with. He accommodated me returning the car in the morning. Car was clean with a full tank of gas when I picked it up. Garry was very helpful showing how to use the car. Will definitely rent from him again. Thanks!
The booking platform was easy to use. Booking and the following information all provided in a professional way. Would definitely use again.
Great company, great car, great driver with an amazing attitude! Will definitely rent with them again!
Damian was superb. The car was beautiful and came done up with a ribbon. He was friendly, professional, arrived on time and was extremely accommodating. It added so much to our wedding and we wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.
Stunning car! Arrived before time. Kept informed they were on there way. Great service certainly made the day a special one!
What a great car and overall experience! Brad and team were so helpful every step of the way.
Great service and easy booking!
Tracey is a very lovely person, very professional. Very friendly, made my son and his friends feel very comfortable on the journey to their prom. The classic mini was exactly what we was expecting if not more, perfect and very well maintained. Highly recommend.
Great. Thanks so much.
Stuart was fantastic, a really lovely guy and went above and beyond to help make our wedding an extra special day. Highly recommend :)
Gary was amazing and his 1967 VW Splitty was perfect for my wife’s and I wedding day. Couldn’t recommend Gary more for your future event.
Thank you for everything!
Amazing experience and great communication! Super reliable, would book again
Booking and communication via the Vinty site was easy as could be. No issues.
Victor is a great guy and his impala commands respect. He showed up on time and worked with what we needed. No issues!
Cora is great, gave the lads a brilliant ride to their prom
Excellent service and awesome car. Awesome driver and 5star service provided
Service was fantastic. Adam was so flexible and easy to work with. He met us with the vehicle and waited on us while we finished our pictures. The car photographed so well and was a blast to drive.
Vinty made my job easy to find a great car for a photo shoot!
Joseph was great! Very easy to work with and accommodated our needs.
It was a pleasure working with Chris. He was great!
Process was straighforward and worked well ....
I recently hired John and his Mercedes for my wedding in July and what a fantastic experience it was working with him! He is an absolute gentleman, very easy to communicate with both prior to the day itself and on the day. We had a fair bit of rain on the day to contend with, but it didn’t dampen John’s spirits in the slightest. John’s Mercedes is magnificent. It is flawless and so well kept, exactly what we had hoped for. The combination of the car and John’s driving made the ride so comfortable and enjoyable, with good conversation along the way. The Mercedes featured in many of our photos from the day and it photographs just as stunning as it looks in person. Thanks so much for being part of our day John!
Great car and the owners were very helpful. Excellent service. 😀
On time,Patient,friendly,Vehicle was present led beautifully
Chloe was super accommodating, a pleasure renting with her!
Very straightforward
Had a wonderful ride with Mr.Hayes in his beautiful car!
Wayne and Kat were amazing to work with! 10/10 recommend using their services and beautiful car for any event!!
Chris and his partner were very professional and prompt and the car was excellent!
Derek was great! I would definitely book again. He was very kind and helpful.
Amazing pick up for our wedding! Made our dreams come true!
Vinty——This event has not happened yet. But all communication so far has been very positive. I will give a full review after our event
BookAclassic has a wonderful selection of orginal classic cars.A clear and straight forward website makes for easy booking...we shall book again.
Perfect, thank you very much !
Easy to use, and understand
Joe is super nice and responded to our questions quickly! He helped us adjust the time and arrived earlier. His car is soooo cool and very fancy! Strongly recommend!!
This Cadillac looks incredible and Jay was great to work with. He was patient and attentive with our film crew and we got some amazing footage with the vehicle. Would definitely rent form him again.
Easy to use and a good choice of vehicles.
James was great. He was professional, patient, and a confident driver.
This is a great platform and I had no issues with communication or booking. I like the fact that everything is so simple and clear regarding the cost.
Lovely car and driver! Perfect newlywed get away car :)
The car looked amazing in our fashion shoot. Exactly as pictured/described. Tallulah was so lovely and attentive to work with. We hired the car to use as prop for our street style shoot and Tallulah was so helpful moving the car into different spots for us. Pre shoot, Tallulah was also really helpful answering any questions I had. Thank you so much again!
Everything went great! Easy to coordinate with.
Thanks very much - made our day !!
If I could give you and the driver 10 stars I would. The car was brilliant. It was a present for my brother to take him to the Theatre. He was so surprised and pleased. (He even had to take a photo of the engine!!) Ajit the Driver was really nice, he did arrive early, so sat in the garden and had a coffee. The booking was easy to do, and I liked your follow up emails to check everything was arranged. Would definitely use you again.
Good service and very helpful on the phone.
Steve was simply amazing and accommodating. The condition of his vintage vehicle was perfect for our commercial. I look forward to working with him on future projects.
Tal was great. Showed up on time, hung out on set and was a pleasure to be around. The car looked great in our shots and everyone was very pleased.
Great experience using BookAClassic for the first time, the driver was really responsive all my queries, he made a point of arriving early, was very friendly and the car itself was amazing! Can easily highly recccomend hiring his vehicle!
Joe and the MGA were amazing and added so much to our photo shoot!
Excellent service and super friendly! Will book again if needs come up!
Lovely, clean beautifully maintained car and the driver so friendly and helpful. Wonderful experience for my daughters wedding. Couldn't recommend them highly enough.
Rich was so lovely and his car was pristine!! We had an amazing day shooting with his Lincoln Continental!!
Great communication with no issues at all.
Aaron was extremely helpful and the car was perfect! He showed up to location early and gave us a rundown on the car and how to get in touch if we had any issues. He was one text away throughout the day if anything were to happen. Would absolutely recommend!!
Ryan is the most amazing and trustworthy truck owner I have ever worked with! I rented his Ford F100 for my Red Truck mini sessions in 2023 and had an excellent experience! He is very easy to communicate with, flexible and responsible. The Truck itself looks great! My clients loved it very much! I can definitely say it has been taken a good care of: clean and shiny! Perfect condition! I would absolutely recommend having business with Ryan to all my fellow photographers!
Everything went absolutely perfect! Ken was our get away car for our wedding night and it was the cherry on top of the best day of our lives. He came by earlier to take photos as well with our photographer, so we have the beautiful memory with this gorgeous one of a kind car. Ken, thank you for making our wedding day so special!
Awesome thankyou
Really great selection of vehicles, easy system to chat with the owner and share extra images of the vehicles. All very smooth running.
The platform was clear and the booking was executed flawlessly.
We had an absolutely fantastic day out with Bertie Beetle around Donegal. Graham was very helpful & friendly throughout the process. Great car, couldn't recommend more!
Fred was an absolute delight to work with throughout and his sensational Ford Cortina was a really important element of our perfect wedding Day. Fred is such a great guy, friendly and accommodating to our requirements on the day and the Ford Cortina is an absolute head turner - people were genuinely stopping and taking pictures. 10/10 would recommend.
everything worked well. really nice car in great condition. just perfect.
great guy, very accommodating
Amazing car and lovely drive! Highly recommend
Excellent easy to use